UIC global FRMCS Conference 2023
The International Union of Railways (UIC) has the pleasure of inviting you to its 2nd Global FRMCS Conference to be held from 7 to 8 June 2023 at the UIC headquarters in Paris.
The UIC FRMCS Program is currently entering a new important phase of development with the harmonisation of radio frequencies for railways in Europe, the achievement of FRMCS V1 Specifications being finished and the delivery of the first prototypes for FRMCS products being delivered.
More than ever, it is clear that FRMCS will be the railway system’s next big development over the decade to come, as it will be key in progressing railway digitalisation and paving the way for train modernisation, by directly serving new technology like automatic train operations (ATO) or the Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS). Not only this but FRMCS will improve security for railway services, increase cost optimisation for railway assets, as well as boost capacity and service performance.
During the two-day event, the following topics will be presented and discussed:
- The status and plans of the UIC specification stream
- The status of 3GPP and ETSI standardisation
- The regulatory situation
- Spectrum activities
- FRMCS Ecosystem prototyping
- Railway Strategies & Plans
- Supplier Industry Strategies & Plans
- ETCS and ATO Readiness for FRMCS
- Coexistence with GSM-R
- And other related subjects
Moreover, there will be opportunities to talk with all of the FRMCS Programme leaders and contributors and to get an in-depth understanding of the new telecommunication framework which is driving developments in the railway sector.
Day 1 - 7 June 2023
Jean-Michel Evanghelou, Director Telecom, Signalling and Digital Applications, Director Financial Control & Project Operations, UIC, Director Telecom, Signalling and Digital Applications, UIC
François Davenne, Director General, UIC, Director General, UIC
Keir Fitch, Head of Unit Rail Safety and Interoperability, European Commission - DG Move, Head of Unit ’Rail Safety and Interoperability’ DG MOVE, European Commission
Chairman: Eric Giraud-Desjuzeur, FRMCS Program Director, SNCF Réseau, Railways FRMCS Plans
Daniel Grünig, , Responsible Railway Communication, SBB, SBB CFF FFS FRMCS Implementation Plan
Camille Dierick, Head of GSM-R and FRMCS, Infrabel, From GSM-R to FRMCS
Achim Vrielink, Head of Telecom Platform Development, DB InfraGO, FRMCS Introduction
Eric Giraud-Desjuzeur, FRMCS Program Director, SNCF Réseau, Railways FRMCS Plans
Dan Mandoc, Head of FRMCS, UIC, FP2 - MORANE–2
Massimiliano Rizzato, Chairman of UIC FRMCS Telecom On-Board Architecture WG, UIC / SBB, UIC FRMCS TOBA WG
Guillaume Gach, Chairman of Architecture Technical Working Group, UIC, UIC FRMCS SPECIFICATION STREAM
/ Guillaume Gach, UIC
Thomas Henss, Chair of the UIC Group for Frequency Aspects, DB InfraGO, UIC GROUP FOR FREQUENCY ASPECTS
Begoña Domingo, Project Officer - ERTMS Unit - ERA, ERA Technical Opinion on FRMCS v2 specifications &
Jean-Michel Evanghelou, Director Telecom, Signalling and Digital Applications, Director Financial Control & Project Operations, UIC, Director Telecom, Signalling and Digital Applications, UIC
Andrew White, CEO, Wray Castle, UIC Rail Academy: Telecoms Section
Keynote from
Day 2 - 8 June 2023
Jean-Michel Evanghelou, Director Telecom, Signalling and Digital Applications, Director Financial Control & Project Operations, UIC, Director Telecom, Signalling and Digital Applications, UIC
Chairman: Dan Mandoc, Head of FRMCS, UIC, FP2 - MORANE–2
Vassiliki Nikolopoulou, Railway Telecom Engineer, UIC, 5GRAIL has finished - MORANE 2 is coming!
Hendrik Holz, Sales Director, Funkwerk, FRMCS Radio Module MT18
Chairman: Achim Vrielink, Head of Telecom Platform Development, DB InfraGO, FRMCS Introduction
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