UIC global FRMCS conference 2019

The International Union of Railways (UIC) is glad to inform you that the first Global FRMCS Conference will take place on:

14-15 May 2019
in Paris, UIC headquarters

Enews article, Conference 2019: https://uic.org/com/enews/nr/647/article/uic-shows-full-commitment-to-the-evolution-of-railway-signalling-and-telecoms

Dear Colleagues,
Dear conference attendees,

UIC is very pleased to organise the FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) Conference.

This conference is a unique opportunity to know more about the current status of FRMCS specification and standardisation, to understand the global timeline of its introduction and to consider the operational impacts of the foreseen migration scenarios. It will also provide a global vision of the various rail evolutions that will benefit from this new system as a common support to train modernisation.

If you may compare the railway system to a human body, the heart of the system that regulates the flows between its different components, infrastructure and rolling stock, is the signalling system. This modern IT technology cannot work without a good articulation with the telecom, like the veins and vessels bringing blood to the heart which will regulate the network. UIC is evidently happy to coordinate with all its members and its partners this Future Radio Mobile Communication System that will be the new international standard to bring efficiency and safety to railway operations.

Furthermore, FRMCS will be a key driver for rail digitalisation. It will optimise infrastructure cost of ownership while improving service quality and available capacity for users, all within the context of complete interoperability.

It is opening the way towards the mobility of the future by breaking down barriers between transport modes and usage.

We wish you a very fruitful conference.

UIC Director General
François DAVENNE
UIC Deputy Director General